New Laptop, Freeside, and more
And this is my first blog entry typed on my brand new laptop computer, I've been waiting for my own laptop for a long time and now I finally have one. As society gets faster and faster, mobility is a necessity in the computing world. Now that I have a laptop I can blog on the go, I may have to start frequenting coffee shops 🙂 or perhaps not. Anyway, today was a highly productive day, I fixed most of a freeside installation, made some modifications to allow for more dynamic formatting of the invoices, repaired a computer, repaired an SQL installation, and after I came home I started personalizing the new laptop that arrived FedEx while I was at work and installing the programs I'll need to do my job effectively.
Not that much more going on and I have to get up early in the morning because I will have to take a trip out to Dallas to visit a client so I'll end this blog entry for now, talk to ya'll again soon.