Does anybody remember these? The Computer industry is just about the only industry in the universe where you can reminisce about the “good ole days” of 1996. Seriously though, although the page is about the slowing fad of Flash Mobs, it gives a quick review of the past fads of the internet like the Dancing Baby, HampsterDance, and All Your Base Are Belong to Us.
Anyway, I saw that several days ago but I figured I should put a reference to it in my blog, so feel free to click the icons above to see a little piece of Internet History.
I was up working on upgrading and reinstalling a server all night last night, but finally got it just about ready to send to San Jose, as such I got to work very late today and when I got there I was feeling “blah”, I just didn't want to do anything. What's more, Harold wanted to discuss how he thinks all churches are corrupt because they pay their pastors, no matter how much I tried to point out to him that being a pastor is a full-time job and should be supported so that he could devote his time to serving the community instead of working a 2nd job just to survive, he disagrees, he seems to think that the tithes given at church should go towards supporting the community and somehow the financial needs of the church (like mortgage payments on the building and upkeeping and staff members and many other things that a church needs to function). Anyway, I spent my time working on a few menial tasks like the ARIN IP requisition forms for our ISP we are starting up, and working on our classified advertisements for our employment ads).
Tonight I went over to the house of a member of my church's youth group to work with him on the Christmas play I wrote, we are weeding out the flaws in the script and getting ready to get started, was over there for a while and got a lot prepared, I think the Christmas Play is going to be awesome, when I've got more I might post the script online for anyone who cares to read it. Anyway, that's all for now, talk to you all later.