WizardCast Episode 3 is out, including some interesting announcements. I’ll go ahead an innumerate the announcements here, though I haven’t yet on the WizardCast website. First, we’ve expaned WizardCast into Wizards.FM, the Wizard’s Webcast Network and have already recorded a few additional shows that will be coming out in addition to WizardCast, including “The Looking Glass” a movie review podcast where we review the latest in Fantasy and Science Fiction movies, “WizFM News” where we take our news segment out of WizardCast and produce it more regularly, “The Witching Hour” where we introduce people to fantasy and science fiction music, particularly Wizard Rock bands, and “The Common Room Fire” where we review Science Fiction and Fantasy Books.
The second, even bigger announcement is that this summer, we will be doing a Live Podcast at the Book’s Inc Laurel Village, in San Francisco the night of the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be tons of fun with giveaways, contests, trivia, and much more.