Posts in the Writing Category

Curious how the Google Assistant stacks up against Siri, Alexa and Cortana? So was I

I did a wrap up of how the Google Assistant compares with its competitors at Apple, Microsoft and Amazon for Justia’s Legal Marketing & Technology Blog. My brief overview discusses what each of the Digital Personal Assistants brought to the table, and how Google has taken what they see as the best aspect of each and added their own flair.

6 minute read.

A little bit about Structured Data and the Semantic Web

My latest post on Justia's Legal Marketing & Technology Blog just went live and it is all about Structured Data and the Semantic Web.  I talk and write quite a bit about the Semantic Web and decided it was high time I write a primer on just what it is and why it is important.  Be sure to check it out.

6 minute read.

AMP up your Law Firm’s Mobile Site

I'm really excited about my latest post on Justia's blog because it is about a new Justia service that I was instrumental in bringing about. Justia has developed a technique to create AMP versions of all of our clients' websites and blogs. I've been pretty excited about the Accelerated Mobile Pages project for a while now as it allows for websites that load instantly the moment you tap the link in search results. Check out more about AMP and about Justia's new offering in my blog post on the Justia blog.

11 minute read.

What you need to worry about with HTTPS Everywhere

If you’ve been thinking about switching to HTTPS as part of the HTTPS Everywhere initiative from Google and Mozilla, you should make sure you know what you are doing. Check out my post from Justia’s blog to learn what you need to pay attention to before you go HTTPS.

12 minute read.

How To: Hide content from search engines, and why you would do it

My latest overview post on Justia’s Legal Marketing and Technology Blog is all about the Robots Exclusion Standard. I explain reasons why you may need to block certain content from search engines, as well as explain the different mechanisms available to you to do so. Check it out ! In general,...

13 minute read.

Seven Blog Posts in Three Days

Last week Barbara and I attended the annual Google I/O Developer’s conference in Mountain View. We’ve attended every year since the first one back in 2008 and were glad to continue the streak. As you may have noticed from my last few short posts here, I’ve been doing more writing on Justia’s...

2 minute read.

Page Performance Tips and Tools: Speed Up Your Website Today!

UPDATE January 18, 2018: Google has announced an upcoming algorithm change for mobile search results which they have dubbed the “ Speed Update .” We’ve written a post about this algorithm change and what it means for page speed. According to a pair of studies done by Akamai and Gomez ( collated...

12 minute read.

Collaborative Firm: Instant Messaging Services

For a small business, it can be hard to decide which tech products and services you want to use to solve the various needs of your employees and clients. To that end I've started a new series of posts on Justia's Legal Marketing & Technology Blog to help business owners make an informed decision...

1 minute read.

My Google I/O 2019 Experience

Barbara and I attended the Google I/O 2019 developer conference earlier this month. We’ve attended the conference every year since the first in 2008. I also attended its predecessor, the original Google Developer Day the year before. This marks my 13th annual general Google Developer conference,...

9 minute read.

The Geek's Night Before Christmas

Last night I was trying to think about where to put my stocking, and when it dawned on me to put it on the shelf above the TV, it inspired me to write this parody. I hope you enjoy it. Twas the Night before Christmas, and in the Geek’s House The only thing stirring was the Geek’s mouse The...

3 minute read.

Pop into Internet Pop Culture

Earlier this week I decided to start entering more of the internet culture, I've been a webmaster since 1995 and I've kinda got caught in my old ways when I started doing perl programming and such. I noticed that more recent aspects internet culture have gone ignored by me. Last Friday I started...

2 minute read.

Boredom, Insane ACTD Characters, and a Personality Disorder test

This w.bloggar thingy is pretty cool, nice to be able to work on the blog without signing into the site first and stuff, not to mention it makes it like writing an e-mail, all y'all that do this kind of stuff should give it a try. Ug today was absolutely boring, I normally watch a few Disney...

5 minute read.

Returning to Blogging

I revisit my blog after a busy May 2011 including going to Google I/O 2011 and what do I see as the last post on my blog, a short stinger post about Google I/O 2010. This simply won’t do. I’ve written other blog posts in the last year, they just haven’t been on my own blog. I’ve written a number...

2 minute read.

App of the Week: BlogPress

In my second blog post on Justia's Legal Marketing & Technology Blog I review the popular iOS app to make blogging simpler: BlogPress. Check out the full article to find out more about this easy app.

2 minute read.

A Little Help From My Friends... Announcing Justia Legal Answers

Today I published my first of hopefully many articles on Justia's Legal Marketing & Technology Blog. This announcement post was about the release of Justia's new Legal Answers service. Check out the full article to find out more about this exciting new service.

3 minute read.

I prefer 'Sir Nicholas' if you don't mind.

Just a little bit of Google humor today, I decided to do something I do every so often and do a google search for my name, Nicholas Moline . I was pleased to see that 8 out of the first 10 results were indeed about me (a few of which were by me), but I happened across a listing that made me...

2 minute read.