Nick Moline's Blog



Well, I’ve registered to return to school next semester, inside you will find my class schedule for the Spring Semester as it stands, I may decide to edit this, but for now, this is accurate. Course Name and Title Meeting Information Credits HIST-1301-40734 (0032172) United States History to 1876...

2 minute read.

A Good Day

That’s right, I said today was a good day. Now I’m actually referring to Friday, as not enough of Saturday has occurred yet to make it a good day or a bad day, but here’s how things went down today. I was woken up earlier then I expected by Goo wanting to once again talk about his latest gaming...

6 minute read.

On Ben’s view on how to fix the Legislature

2011 Editorial note: over the years Ben eventually Abandoned his blog and the original post is gone, you can see a copy of Ben’s original article on the Wayback Machine on the Internet Archive here . Ben posted on his blog today about a plan on how to “fix” the United States Legislative Branch by...

6 minute read.

Corporate worlds

Much of my normal every day life (such as my programming projects like the cabin booking system I’ve been working on for Pastor Tom, and the writing of my novels) have taken a back seat lately to my continued work on getting PortalKeeper off the ground. Tonight I had a conference call with my...

1 minute read.

My new claim to fame

Well further to my message yesterday, it seems I have a new claim to fame. For 1 minute today I owned 38.5% of Slashdot in the Blogshares fantasy stock market. Confused? Of course you are, allow me to explain. At 12:09 p.m. Central time today I received the following e-mail: You have been given...

3 minute read.

How do you measure its worth

no, I’m not going to sing a christmas song… Earlier today JMac asked me if I played with the Blogshares fantasy stock game involving blogs as the “companies” that one is trading for. I had never been there before, but it sounded interesting so I setup a user there. I was surprised to find out...

1 minute read.

Archive Tweaks

Ok, now that I’m using the application/xhtml+xml mime type instead of text/html , using a real browser shows you where you have improperly formatted W3C incompliant code on your pages. So I’ve gone through each and every blog entry and fixed the errors in my old badly formatted XHTML. I’ve also...

1 minute read.

Busy Day

Spent much of the day working on fixing and moving the Deathstar, and dealing with the chaos that was caused by fixing and moving the Deathstar. Sadly the Deathstar seemed to blow a fuse in it’s wireless card and it’s connection to the internet was becoming incredibly intermittant. So my first...

3 minute read.

Generosity of Others

I am starting a new tag in this blog called Praises. Here I will report some good things that are happening in my life, this way I can hit the Praises category button and look back at the blessings in my life. Yesterday (well Friday, so now the day before yesterday) I was working at the SWDCMA...

2 minute read.