Nick Moline's Blog


What's all the Hubbub about anyway?

I’ve been fighting with the PubSubHubbub protocol over the last few days. I apologize for the test posts which have been causing annoyances to what few readers I actually have. For those of you who have no idea what PubSubHubbub is, it is a method of allowing people to get updates about new blog...

2 minute read.
Event Review

Google I/O 2012 Here I come

I’m all registered to go to Google I/O 2012 on June 27, 2012. I’ve been to every Google I/O so far (and Google Developer Day before that ) and am really looking forward to going again. The price was really hiked up this year ($900 as opposed to $450 last year), but they have done away with the...

1 minute read.

2011 on

Even though my blog is self-hosted, I like many WordPress users who use stats from the Jetpack plugin. This year, the great people at decided to create some really great-looking Annual Reports for blogs using stats. In 2011 I wrote only 12 posts, which is...

1 minute read.

The Geek's Night Before Christmas

Last night I was trying to think about where to put my stocking, and when it dawned on me to put it on the shelf above the TV, it inspired me to write this parody. I hope you enjoy it. Twas the Night before Christmas, and in the Geek’s House The only thing stirring was the Geek’s mouse The...

3 minute read.

My Last Binary Day (probably) #NerdNewYear

Happy Binary Day! So in addition to being Veteran’s Day , today, November 11, 2011, happens to be the last “Binary Day” I am ever likely to live through. There have been 36 so-called “Binary Days” in the last 11 years (9 each in 2000, 2001, 2010, and 2011), where all the days of the date (except...

2 minute read.

Thank you Veterans

This Veteran’s Day, I would like to honor family members who have served this country. I would like to honor my Father, Richard V. Moline III, who served this country in the US Navy before I was born. I would like to honor my Sister in Law, Betina Garcia, who currently serves this country as an...

2 minute read.

On the Difficulty of Pottermore House Cup Competitions

My last 2 posts were both about cheats on earning and keeping House Points on Pottermore. Continuing that series, I thought I would write a little bit on task-based point competitions. “Now, as I understand it, the house cup here needs awarding, and the points stand thus…” The first problem with...

4 minute read.