Free "On Air" Light for Business Meetings: Using Home Assistant to update lights based on meetings
I've recently setup Home Assistant to help me notify my wife whenever I'm in a meeting and my mic is active. Check out how I did it.
Welcome to my digital abode! I'm Nick Moline, a tech wizard and theatre enthusiast. Embrace the fusion of engineering and artistic wonders as we explore the boundless realm of software engineering, science fiction and fantasy, and technical theatre.
I've recently setup Home Assistant to help me notify my wife whenever I'm in a meeting and my mic is active. Check out how I did it.
Earlier this year, sitting down with some members of Jobscan’s B2B marketing team at the company’s annual retreat in New Orleans, they were talking about an upcoming conference, NACE 2024 . They were planning a massive booth to really bring up their presence this year. One of the marketing people...
The lengthy process of editing all of my past content to be fully compatible with statamic is finally complete.
Ever since the move to Statamic, I’ve been systematically going through my old posts and fixing them so they look good in this post. I’ve been doing these in small batches and as of tonight have updated the archive all the way back to the beginning of 2004 and a smattering of posts from 2003.
I’ve migrated this site multiple times over the years. It has run on Movable Type , BlogCMS , Wordpress, Drupal , back to Wordpress , and most recently, Jekyll . There was a lot to like about Jekyll: The fact that the public website was completely static html eliminated the possibility of the...
Working from home makes reliable internet essential, if the internet goes down for days I can't work, to combat this, I need to have another weapon at the ready.
For the latest show I've worked on, I had an unusual new challenge, could I turn someone into a Harpy in real time? How about turning a woman into a rainbow?
With every show I work I try to learn at least one new skill, to bring one new thing to a production that I hadn't before.
As some people in my city are being evacuated due to encroaching fires, I finally setup my weather station to track the weather and air quality.